
I almost bleached my skin due to pressure- Adomaa

Songstress Adomaa has mentioned in a fresh interview that a disparaging comment passed about her complexion almost led her into bleaching her skin while in a boarding school outside the shores of Ghana.

The songstress who recently added acting to her resume, told content creator Yaa Somuah that despite growing up in a safe atmosphere, she began to have insecurities when she attended boarding school in Nigeria where she was frequently mocked for being dark-skinned.

She recalled how people asked her if the sun in Ghana burns people’s skin owing to her dark pigment and based on the negative comments, she contemplated bleaching but she backed out eventually.

She said: “I used to hear statements like Oh you are so dark, oh my God the sun in Ghana, does it burn people. It made me feel very very insecure, I am not proud of it but there are times I actually attempted bleaching just to fit in”.

“I don’t think it is normal for any human being to live their lives where everybody is a part of every single thing that they are doing.

The celebrity kingdom is not normal, I feel like everybody has vulnerable moments, has everyday lives and there are certain things you want to keep for yourself, there are certain things you allow yourself to be open to family, there is a version of yourself that you allow to be open to friends, there is layers to it but when you are in this spotlight you have no privacy and it is not normal.”

Skin lightening, or skin bleaching, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to lighten dark areas of skin or achieve a generally paler skin tone. It’s usually used to improve the appearance of blemishes such as birthmarks and dark patches (melasma).


Written by Siraj

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