
Ayisha Modi cries like a baby, curses Diamond Appiah for duping her (Video)

Ayisha Modi has again criticized Diamond Appiah for defrauding her of significant sums of money under the pretense of obtaining a piece of land.

Ayisha Modi came forward a while back to say that Diamond Appiah had taken over $40,000 from her with the promise of giving her land, but she hadn’t actually seen the land until the day she was disclosing it.

Following Ayisha Modi’s initial complaint, the case was brought before a judge, however it appears that the plaintiff is not pleased with how things are developing.

Ayisha Modi is seen crying and pleading in a recent video that is becoming viral.

According to her, she has been working hard for her money in the United States but someone she regarded as a friend by the name of Diamond Appiah defrauded her.

Watch her speak below:

Written by Timothy Egger

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