
Everything you need to know about children of Adam and Eve

According to the Bible, in the Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve had three named children:

Cain: He became a farmer and is infamously known for killing his brother Abel out of jealousy, committing the first murder.

Abel: He was a shepherd and was favored by God for his offering, leading to the aforementioned act of jealousy by Cain.

Seth: Born after the death of Abel. In Genesis 4:25, Eve said that God had appointed her another seed in place of Abel.

The Bible also mentions that Adam lived for 930 years and had other sons and daughters, but they are not named specifically in the text. Given the long lifespan attributed to Adam and the reference to other children, it’s implied that there were likely many other descendants, but the biblical account mainly focuses on the line that eventually leads to Noah, and from there to Abraham, and so forth.

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Written by Alan Steppe

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