
Everything you need to know about Sally Hemings Children

Sally Hemings, an enslaved woman of African descent, is believed to have had several children fathered by Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. Their relationship has been a topic of historical discussion and debate due to its complex and controversial nature. The available information about Sally Hemings’ children includes:

Harriet Hemings:

Harriet Hemings was born in 1795 and was the daughter of Sally Hemings.
She was the only one of Sally Hemings’ children to live to adulthood and leave a known record of her life.
After gaining her freedom, Harriet chose to pass as a white woman and married a white man named Beverley Hemings. The couple had several children and lived their lives as white citizens.

Beverley Hemings:

Beverley Hemings, also known as Beverly Jefferson, was born in 1798 and was believed to be the son of Sally Hemings.
After gaining his freedom, Beverley also chose to live as a white man and adopted the surname Hemings. He moved to Wisconsin and started a family.

Unknown Children:

Historians and researchers have suggested that Sally Hemings may have had other children, but conclusive evidence is lacking for most of them.
The information about Sally Hemings and her children is based on historical documents, oral history, and genetic testing. In 1998, DNA testing conducted on descendants of Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson’s paternal uncle provided evidence suggesting a possible link between the Hemings and Jefferson families. While this evidence suggests a likely connection, it’s important to acknowledge that historical details related to the lives of enslaved individuals, including Sally Hemings, are often fragmented and subject to interpretation.

Written by Alan Steppe

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