
Rapper Flo Rida’s son in critical condition after falling from 5th floor in New Jersey

Zohar Dillard, the son of American rapper Flo Rida is reportedly in critical condition after falling from a New Jersey apartment building’s fifth story, according to several verified reports.

Consequently, Zohar’s mother, Alexis Adams, has filed a civil lawsuit against the building’s owners. According to the papers, the incident happened on March 4. Adams claimed that Zohar suffered internal bleeding, a lacerated liver, injuries to his pelvis and feet, and collapsed lungs as a result of the fall.

Adams stated in the suit that the building’s windows “posed a hazardous condition” that allowed her son to fall “to the concrete pavement below.”

Adams spoke to News12 New Jersey, stating, “As a single mom to a special-needs child, this feels like a nightmare. My heart is broken into a million pieces. I am devastated, angry and struggling to come to terms with the fact that my only child has suffered severe injuries due to willful negligence of our landlord and others involved In failing to take necessary safety measures.”

Zohar’s father hasn’t responded to his son’s accident because Flo Rida and Alexis have been openly fighting for custody and child support for years.

The child support arrangement between Adams and Flo Rida was established in 2018, and Flo Rida was mandated to pay $9,000 per month in addition to insurance and educational expenses.

Adams put Zohar in a special school for kids with neurological disabilities because he was born with ventriculomegaly, a brain disease that can cause neurological and learning disabilities. Adams claims that Flo Rida ceased paying their son’s tuition, which resulted in a $200K balance remaining on it.


Written by Siraj

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