
“There’s no work in the UK” – Lady expresses regret after relocating for greener pastures (Video)

A Nigerian lady who recently moved to the United Kingdom in search of better opportunities has lamented over the scarcity of jobs there.
The UK-based lady said that contrary to lies being peddled by some Nigerians who relocated to the country about the abundance of job opportunities, there’s actually no work.

She said that she had been applying since she arrived in the country and had submitted CVs at various places but still hasn’t gotten a job.Seemingly frustrated by her predicament, the lady blamed those who had deceived her into coming to the UK by giving her false hopes.

She captioned the video:

“You see those saying that there is work in the UK they are lying to you; no work available. Since I’ve been here, I’ve applied online tirelessly. I have submitted up to 50 applications ‘unfortunately-unfortunately’ is all I’ve been getting”

Watch the video below to know more…


Written by Siraj

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