
What is An EEG Cap

When it comes to measuring brain activity, an electroencephalogram is typically used to provide a deeper insight into the way brain cells communicate via electrical impulses. An EEG cap typically helps the metal discs used during this non-invasive procedure stay put.

How an EEG cap functions

The earliest inceptions of EEG caps were compatible with EEG disks, and these were typically clipped into the cap itself. In recent years, EEG caps have evolved along with technology and newer ones now come as one piece, where everything is incorporated for a more secure fit.

With modern iterations in mind, it may come as no surprise that AI is now being incorporated into electroencephalogram procedures – and ai EEG caps are now becoming increasingly popular throughout the medical industry.

What is an EEG used for?

EEGs are used to track and detect changes in brain activity and the primary use is to detect brain disorders like epilepsy and similar seizure-based illnesses. They can also be useful for detecting brain tumors, determining how much damage has been caused during head injuries, brain dysfunctions, sleep disorders and in some cases can help to define the level of damage done and treatment needed when an individual has suffered a stroke.

What happens during an EEG?

The first thing to understand about an EEG is that it is a painless procedure and patients report no sensations, as electrodes simply work to record brainwaves. In most cases, technicians will measure the patient’s head and mark the scalp so that they know where to place the electrodes. When an EEG cap isn’t used, technicians will need to apply a special adhesive – but caps are a far more functional way of getting things done. Electrodes are connected to wires where a secondary device will amplify brain waves and record them. A typical EEG test will take between 20 to 40 minutes and patients may be required to sleep during this time.

EEG caps of the future 

So much data can be taken from a simple scan of this kind. It’s easy to see why EEG caps utilising the capacity of AI are now being incorporated into procedures to offer the highest level of data accuracy and speed, so that results can be found and shared in record time to bring the highest level of service to patients worldwide.

There are also growing uses for AI EEGs in ambulatory use cases, as traditional EEGs haven’t allowed for brain activity recording to be undertaken over the course of several days. The longer an AI EEG can be performed, the better the chances of technicians and brain specialists to record brain activity during seizures, and this could help those with less understood seizure-based conditions.

Written by Timothy Egger

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