
Pretty lady narrates how she left South Africa to meet her boyfriend who lived in a kiosk in Ghana

A pretty South African based lady called Linda has defied all odds by leaving her luxurious home abroad to come down to meet the love of her life in Ghana.
Linda narrated how she met her now-fiancé, Kofi, online three months ago. Despite the distance and cultural differences, their connection was undeniable, and they quickly fell in love.

Kofi proposed to Linda, and she wholeheartedly accepted. Determined to be with her soulmate, Linda packed her bags and traveled all the way to Ghana to meet him in person.However, upon her arrival in Accra, Linda was taken aback to discover that Kofi was living in a small kiosk at Circle, a bustling commercial area in the city.

Despite this revelation, Linda’s love for Kofi remained unwavering. She recalled, “I was surprised, but his situation didn’t change my mind about him because I love him.”

As a loving girlfriend, Linda decided to change her boyfriend’s life by not allowing him to continue to live in the kiosk. She first of all booked a hotel for them to spend their first night together.

The next day, they embarked on a mission to find a better place to live, and Linda even paid for a new apartment for them.

Kofi was overjoyed, and Linda’s heart was full of happiness too. “Because of how much I love him, I couldn’t bear to leave him in Ghana, so I took him back to my country,” Linda (not her real name) revealed in a recent interview.

Upon their return to South Africa, Linda introduced Kofi to her father and he began working at her father’s company. Linda’s father, Mr. Johnson( not his real name) was initially skeptical of their relationship, but he soon saw the genuine love and devotion between Linda and Kofi, and gave them his blessing.

Linda and Kofi are now planning to get married soon, and they are excited about their future together. Linda expressed her love for Kofi, saying, “I love him deeply, and his background or living conditions do not define him. Love knows no boundaries, and I am grateful to have found my soulmate in Kofi.”

Their heartwarming story has since gong viral. It also serves as a reminder that true love transcends differences and obstacles.

While many applauded the young lady for not giving up on her broke boyfriend, some chastised Ghanaian ladies for not having what it takes to take care of their “broke boyfriends”.


Written by Siraj

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