
Ghana is better than travelling abroad – Yaw Dabo

Yaw Dabo a popular film actor has disclosed that staying in Ghana is better than travelling abroad for greener pastures.

Travelling outside Ghana has been on the wishlist of most Ghanaians especially the youth citing hardship and other factors in the country.

But Yaw Dabo is of the view that staying in Ghana is better and that Ghanaians should not bother themselves travelling out of the country.According to the actor, one of the main reasons why he believes Ghana is better is because there is peace in Ghana as compared to some other countries the youth are trying very hard to relocate.

He continued that travelling abroad is just for the fun of it and not anything serious as some people make it look.

Dabo also mentioned that some people fly to these countries just to take pictures and return to Ghana because they are rich and can do whatever they want with their money.

He concluded that no rich person would risk the peace he/she is enjoying in Ghana to travel and stay in the cold abroad.


Written by Siraj

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