
John Mahama dashed me a car for supporting him – Michael Afrane

Michael Afrane a popular Kumawood actor spoke on the Delay Show about why he decided to join the National Democratic Party (NDC).

Michael Afranie described his family’s political affiliations, saying that his mother supported the NDC while his father was an ardent supporter of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

He claimed to have seen the light and joined the NDC right away. Since then, he has never looked back on his choice.On the Delay Show, he discussed why he switched from NPP to NDC. He claims that he will always be grateful to John Mahama and the NDC.

He said: “The big love I have for John Mahama made me join NDC. I saw that the people loved each other when I joined NDC because how they console you in times of trouble shows that they have love.”

He noted that the NPP group of which he was a member from 1992 until he saw the light and he can say the party is a misery party because they don’t help.“I was an NPP member from 1992 until I saw the light. When I was with NPP, I was in the dark,” he revealed.

Michael Afranie claims that former president John Mahama gave him a Hyundai i10 as a gift. His other vehicle, a Mitsubishi, was, however, purchased under a loan program from a ministry under the NDC administration.


Written by Siraj

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